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Home :: Aromatherapy :: Organic Essential Oils :: 100% Natural Coriander Essential Oil, 10 ml

100% Natural Coriander Essential Oil, 10 ml

100% Natural Coriander Essential Oil, 10 ml
0.30 lbs
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Bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antihelmintic, cholagogue, expectorant, antispasmodic, wound healing, Healing properties: contributes to the suppression of inflammation in the bronchopulmonary system; effective expectorant for respiratory diseases; is a painkiller for arthritis, rheumatic pains; effective remedy for stomach cramps, flatulence, food poisoning, stomach ulcer; Burns and has a wound-healing effect; is an aphrodisiac (stimulates sexual desire and activity). Cosmetic properties: returns a youth aging skin, improves its elasticity; cleanses the skin and helps to eliminate the visible vascular pattern of the skin; reduces the greasiness of oily skin; helps to eliminate acne; eliminates the inflammation of the skin, peeling; is a natural deodorant. Psycho-emotional effects: improves memory, enhances creativity; creates a good mood; relieves anxiety, irritability; stimulates the appetite; stimulates sexual activity. Methods of application: Massage: 3-5 drops of essential oil mixed with 10 ml of any cosmetic oils (jojoba, peach, almond, etc.) or massage cream, put on your skin, do a massage procedure. Use for: rheumatic pain, arthritis, arthrosis, flatulence, digestive problems. Aromatic bath: a bath full of water (37-38 ° C) 08.04 add drops of essential oils, pre-mixed with 1 tablespoon of the emulsifier (milk, honey, sea salt). Procedure duration of 10-30 min. After the bath, no rinsing, wipe the body with a towel. Use for: rheumatic pain, food poisoning, flatulence. Oil burner: the deepening of the oil burner, pour hot water, add the essential oil, put a candle inside the oil burner, flavoring space of 20 minutes (first use) to 1 hour. For the first sessions with the aroma lamp, use 2-3 drops of essential oil. The dosage can be increased further, with the smell of the oil burner does not have to be strong and intrusive. The most optimal dosage for the room 16-20 m2 - 4-8 drops of essential oil.
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