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Home :: Healthy Food :: 100% Natural Siberian Vitamin Fiber, 6oz (170g)

100% Natural Siberian Vitamin Fiber, 6oz (170g)

100% Natural Siberian Vitamin Fiber, 6oz (170g)
1.00 lbs
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Ingredients: shell wheat grain , wheat germ, apricot fruit , nettle leaf , meadowsweet herb , black currant fruit, chokeberry fruits, red rowan berry, wild rose fruits, apple pectin, apple. Siberian fiber " Vitamin " is recommended as a preventive and curative means necessary for: a full bowel , reduce blood cholesterol levels, cleaning the digestive tract of toxins, normalization of weight and metabolism, improve skin color and hair structure, increase resistance to disease. Dear friends! All you know how to dire consequences of the lack of vitamins. Specialists of "Factory of healthy eating" have tried to solve this problem by adding fiber "vitamin" Siberian berries and herbs, champions the content of vitamins, micro - and macro. Eat fiber Siberian "vitamins" and be healthy!
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