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Home :: Healthy Food :: Siberian Fiber Сholagogic, 170 gr.

Siberian Fiber Сholagogic, 170 gr.

Siberian Fiber Сholagogic, 170 gr.
1.00 lbs
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Ingredients: wheat grain shell, yarrow herb, grass thoroughwax, mint herb celandine grass, calendula flowers, rosehip fruit Kuril tea, herb Leonurus, herb St. John's wort, an apple.
Every part of our product impregnated choleretic tea. Objectively proven, fiber stimulates bile secretion, binds bile acids.
Regular consumption of dietary fiber improves: the bowels, normalize weight and metabolism, significantly improves the color and texture of the skin, the body gives lightness and good mood, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
preventing diseases related to poor diet, helps detoxify the body.
During pregnancy and lactation, before applying to consult a doctor.
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